Effective Project Management to Streamline your Clinical Trial Workload

When:  Sep 14, 2020 from 05:00 PM to 07:00 PM (MT)
Associated with  ACRP Colorado Chapter

In clinical trials, studies are complex, time-intensive and leave little to no room for error. Particularly when conducting concurrent studies with limited resources, it can be difficult to ensure quality and timely data collection and entry on every study. This can lead to stress and unhappiness with staff despite the meaningful work they contribute to improve treatment options. Clear and effective project management can make or break the success of a clinical trial, and project planning and management are a key part of achieving quality clinical data.

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Url: http://zoom.us/meeting
Login: Login details will be sent closer to the date. Participants can RSVP to Laurie Burnside, laurie.burnside@outlook.com


Laurie Burnside