CErtified Clinical Research Coordinator Exam Study GroupDates: Saturday, July 28 and Saturday, August 4
Time: 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
July 28 Location:
FRi Diagnostic Imaging
235 E. Princeton Street
Orlando, FL 32804
August 4 Location:
Nemours Children's Hospital
13535 Nemours Parkway
Orlando, FL 32827
Planning to take your ACRP Clinical Research Coordinator Certification exam this Fall?
Mark your calendar to attend this two-day Exam Study Group to get study tips, tricks, and preparation advice from experienced research personnel who have already earned their certification in clinical research.
Familiarize yourself with the exam format, discuss exam content, review example questions, and become more prepared to get your ACRP Certification.
Lead Facilitator: Lorraine Hickson
Continuing education units/contact hours are NOT provided for this program.
Registration and Cost Information:
Registration will open on the week of 6/10/18 until 7/21/18
Chapter Members: $60.00
Non Members: $70.00
Continental breakfast will be provided.
Please contact Chapter Leadership with any questions at:
- Treasurer: Charmaine Garcia
- Secretary: Carole Coyne
- Vice President: Susan Nelson
- President: Jessica Hyacinthe