Front Range Chapter: How Soft-Skills Training Can Improve Studies (ACRP 2023 Webinar Replay)

When:  Sep 11, 2023 from 05:00 PM to 06:30 PM (MT)
Associated with  ACRP Colorado Chapter

Front Range Chapter: How Soft-Skills Training Can Improve Studies (ACRP 2023 Webinar Replay)

This event will be presenting a webinar replay from the ACRP Conference Library

September 11, 2023 | 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m., MT

Program Description:

One common element between every single study is that they are run by people. People talking and communicating to other people. Sponsors, site staff, medical staff and clinical monitors all need to communicate together to update, inform and resolve issues. But where is the training for this? Why do we, as an industry, not focus on improving our soft skills as well as our hard skills? Learn the value and the power of having trained in soft skills. The speaker will present the current status quo where soft skills training barely exists (if it all) and what impact that has on people and studies and then compare that to an alternative view where study teams are given the appropriate soft skills training. The audience will get insight into how things should be; where there are less deviations, less churn of staff and more efficient studies are conducted.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Understand the impact of study teams having poor, or untrained, soft skills
  2. Appreciate the need for soft skills training in addition to hard skills training
  3. Justify the need to start doing, or increase, soft skills training for study teams

Registration Information

Please email at least 24 hours in advance of the event to register.

Contact Hour Information

This event will offer 1 contact hour. Click here to purchase your contact hour. Please purchase and retrieve your contact hours before October 11, 2023. 

  • Chapter Members: $15.00
  • ACRP Members: $15.00
  • Non-Members: $30.00

To receive contact hours: Purchase the contact hours and attend the program. After attending the event, log on to the ACRP website and visit, click “GO TO MY COURSE”. Select your event, confirm attendance and take the event evaluation between 1 and 30 days following the event and obtain the online certificate." After 30 days, contact hours are no longer available


Laurie Burnside