Western New York: Holiday Social - It's a Party ~and Networking Event~

When:  Dec 11, 2018 from 05:30 PM to 08:30 PM (ET)
Associated with  ACRP Western New York Chapter
Date: Tuesday 12/11/2018

Location: Five Star Bank in City Gate (across from Monroe Community Hospital), 395 Westfall Rd., Rochester NY 14620; Flower City Community Room. There will be ACRP directional wall signs to help you on your way.

Parking: Adjacent parking lot

Speaker: Everyone who attends. Informal conversations.

Event description: The Association for Clinical Research Professional’s Western New York Chapter invites you to a social which promises to begin your holidays with cheer, friends and laughter. We hope it will also provide an opportunity to build new relationships to create a stronger research community.

WNY Chapter will provide dinner and beverages. To add some holiday fun, we invite you to join in a White Elephant Gift Swap (aka “Yankee Trader”). To take part please bring 1 gift-wrapped item, either something from home (think funny, kitschy or weird!) or a new item worth $10 or less. You bring a gift and you’ll go home with one! Check out the rules and gift examples at: https://www.whiteelephantrules.com/ (the ‘vanilla” version).

Upon completion of this social, attendees should be able to:
1. Identify by name 3 attendees
2. List 3 items that enhance holiday spirit
3. Describe the Western New York Chapter’s voting process (which will be coming up in December).

RSVP by Saturday, December 8 at 4pm
Email Noreen_Connolly@urmc.rochester.edu or call or text Nancy Needler 585-314-1237.

Event Cost: $0 for Chapter members / $0 for guests, but spending time together, priceless.

NOTE: ACRP national members join WNY Chapter now for $20 and one future year’s local chapter event dinners and contact hours are free.

Contact Hours: None for this holiday social

Target Audience: Research Health Professionals: Coordinators, Monitors, Managers, Quality Improvement


Five Star Bank in City Gate
395 Westfall Rd.
Rochester, NY 14620