ACRP Great Plains Chapter

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Chapter Membership: $30/Year Join Now

Note: You must be an ACRP Member to join a local chapter. Learn more about ACRP membership.

About Our Chapter

The Great Plains Chapter was established in 2003 to provide clinical research professionals a means for professional interaction, continuing education, networking, and to deliver improved access to ACRP resources. Involvement with a local chapter is one of the best time-effective and cost-effective means to obtain education and interact with other professionals to problem solve, discuss issues of concern in clinical research, as well as provide feedback on issues of concern to ACRP.

The Great Plains Chapter hosts educational events for members and nonmembers, regarding topics that are pertinent to clinical research. Members are encouraged to recommend topics and presenters for future events. Some of the past presenters have included: IRB chairperson, research compliance officer, department chairpersons, clinical and scientific investigators, industry pharmacists, independent CRA’s, and FDA representative. Future speakers have been contacted to continue providing current information regarding important areas in clinical research.

We consistently strive to expand and strengthen our chapter membership in order to continue to provide quality educational events. We welcome volunteers and value your feedback.

Upcoming Chapter Events

June 6, 2024 | Great Plains Chapter: 2024 Happy Hour & Networking (in-person event)

Past Chapter Events 




Joining and Renewing Chapter Membership
You can become a Great Plains Chapter member for only $30 a year.

ACRP membership is required to join our chapter. ACRP membership offers invaluable global networking and professional development opportunities including access to many resources: Clinical Researcher, The Wire, online communities, discounts on offerings, and more. Select ‘Membership’ from the menu bar on the ACRP home page for more information on the many benefits.

We look forward to seeing you at our chapter meetings and hope that you will consider becoming more involved in the Chapter at some point by volunteering for a committee or running for a Board Member position.

Benefits of Great Plains Chapter Membership
Becoming an active member in your local ACRP chapter is a great way to learn more about clinical research in the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry and it also provides many great benefits; a member of the Atlanta Area ACRP can expect to receive the following benefits:

  • Obtaining research-related continuing education credits for each speaker meeting you attend – which counts towards certification maintenance
  • Discounted registration for chapter sponsored educational programs
  • Networking in all areas of research with other engaged research professionals
  • A valuable resource for information, training, and employment opportunities

Remember, only members of ACRP can become members of the local Chapter. Our Chapter is active in the National dues collection program. This means that the national organization will collect dues for local membership at the same time they collect your national dues.

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