
Start Up Your Own Community

By Jeremy Glunt posted 07-22-2010 10:14 AM

Interested in starting your own community?

CRCs in Uganda?

CRAs who like badminton and cups of tea?

You can literally start any community you want; and you can decide whether you want that community to be available to anyone who wants to join, or whether you want that community to be invite-only.

Here's how to start a Member-Created Community:

1. Under the 'Directory' tab, click 'Communities'
2. Click 'Create a New Community'
3. Enter the attributes of your new community (name, description, etc.)
4. Decide whether you want the community to be invite-only or open to anyone who wants to join.
5. Decide whether you want the community to have an eForum for group discussion and/or a Resource Library for sharing and storing documents.

That's all. It takes about three minutes and it allows community members to network the way they want to. So take advantage and start a community suited to you and your colleagues.



07-22-2010 10:16 AM

Unfortunately, in order to invite someone to a community you must be an established contact. I'm hoping this is changed in future releases.

02-28-2009 04:09 PM

Thanks Jeremy. I started an invite-only eGroup for the CRA Steering Committee to keep communication going within our group in-between our conference calls. Before I could "invite" the other members to join, I first had to individuall request that they allow me to add them as a contact. For a larger group this could be very time consuming. Is there an easier method?